Australia & New Zealand Points of View Reference Center

Writing a persuasive essay? Searching for a good debate topic? Look no further than Australia/New Zealand Points of View Reference Centre™, a database from EBSCO that is available in our library.
Containing resources that present diverse perspectives on important issues and events, Australia/New Zealand Points of View Reference Centre has the information you need to better understand controversial issues and craft persuasive arguments – in speech and in writing.
With Points of View Reference Center, you can do all the following and more:
- Search for articles by keyword or browse topics by category
- Read background articles and position essays on 400 core topics in over 30 categories including:
- Arts and culture
- Citizens’ rights
- Earth and environment
- Global issues
- Human rights
- The internet
- Medicine and ethics
- Race and culture
- Schools and education
- Substance abuse
- Consult each topic’s Guide to Critical Analysis to help you evaluate the controversy, develop your own perspective, and write or debate an effective argument on the topic
- Find a balance of materials reflecting multiple sides of the issue — sources include essays, leading political magazines, newspaper articles, radio and TV news transcripts, primary sources and reference books
- Limit search results to articles that match your reading level
- Hear HTML articles read aloud with EBSCO’s Text-to-Speech feature
- Save articles and searches to your own personal folder for easy retrieval
- Use EBSCO’s citation tool to properly cite sources in your research
Learn more about the Australia / New Zealand Points of View Reference Center by clicking on the images or by completing the Scavenger Hunt supplied by EBSCO